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Articles Posted in Immigration Reform


Anti-Immigrant Laws Damage State Economies

There is new evidence confirming that strict state immigration laws have negative effects on a particular state’s economy. The Council on Foreign Relations published an article describing preliminary evidence of the negative effects of the strict current immigration laws in the states of Arizona, Alabama, and Georgia. This evidence may…


USCIS Proposes Waiver of Inadmissibility to be Processed in the U.S.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) made public its plan to propose an immigration reform that is promising to many families in which a member, most commonly a spouse, is an illegal immigrant. Currently, a U.S. citizen can petition a relative for an immigrant visa even if they are…


Signs of change bring hope to people seeking legalization

In December of 2012, federal immigration agents were instructed by the Obama administration to let illegal immigrants go instead of detaining them for minor crimes and infractions. This was the first sign that illegal immigrants waiting for the beginning of the promised immigration reform would soon start to feel relief.…


Four Substantial Changes That Could Result if Immigration Reform Passes

Both political parties agree that immigration reform is needed in our nation. The US Immigration Bill just passed the Senate Judiciary Committee. If the bill passes through the Senate and House of Representatives, it could have far-reaching effects for many immigrants. Consider four measures included in this largely-debated legislation. More…


Senators Introduce Immigration Reform Bill

On April 17, 2013, eight US Senators introduced the highly anticipated immigration reform bill entitled: Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013. This bill is the result of a bipartisan effort from both Republicans and Democrats. This is the first step towards a meaningful and practical comprehensive…


Senate Bill – Immigrant Innovation Act of 2013 brings hope for immigrants in high-tech field

The hope for immigration reform is still alive. The Immigration Innovation Act of 2013 is a proposed law that will bring a bright spot on the horizon for students in high-tech fields who would like to work in the US after graduation. The bill has plenty of bipartisan support and…

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